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Funny Videos

1st Semester of Spanish Love Song
2nd Semester of Spanish Love Song
¿Qué Hora es Part 1
¿Qué Hora es Part 2
Sr. Wooly - "¿Puedo Ir Al Baño?
Señor Wooly - "Billy la Bufanda"
Funny Videos

Music Videos

Alvaro Soler - El Mismo Sol
Enrique Iglesias - Bailando
Santana - Corazón Espinado
Shakira ft. Chris Martin - Chantaje
Manu Chao - Me Gustas Tú
Los Angeles Azules - Nunca es Suficiente
Music Videos
Buena Gente Series  - Episode 1

Conversational Videos

Buena Gente - Episode 2
Buena Gente - Episode 3
School Supplies
Activities - Future (Voy a Correr.) 
Conversational Videos
Basic Greetings in Spanish
Dialog: What's your name? 
 Introducing yourself
Dialog: How are you?
Where you are from? How old are you?
Dialog: Where are you from?
Grammar Videos
Present Tense: regular -ar verbs
Present Tense: Estar-To Be Temp.

Grammar Videos

Present Tense: regular -er verbs
Present Tense: Ser-To Be Perm.
Present Tense: regular -ir verbs
Present Tense: Tener-To Have
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